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2024 Worship Matters Seminar

When the Heart is Troubled, Worship is the Matter:

How Worship Re-Orients the Heart and Brings Comfort and Strength

Pastor Kelly Larsen is the Senior Pastor at Cornerstone Berean Church in Kearney where he has served since 2012. Kelly and his wife, Tammy, have three children and several grandchildren.

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Video has been broken into Seminar Segments with related handouts below.

Seminar One: “Troubled Hearts and the Matter of Worship”

Session One Handout

Seminar Two: “Learning to Re-Direct Our Hearts by Learning to Worship IN All of Life”

Session Two Handouts

Seminar Three: “Learning to Re-Direct Our Hearts by Learning to Worship WITH All of Life”

Session Three Handout

Seminar Four: “Learning to Re-Direct Our Hearts by Learning to Worship THROUGH All of Life”

Session Four Handout

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